The sustainable way of sharing knowledge, Vital @ Office
Collaris Consultancy


Creative Media, Content and Office design.

Media services
– Media Design
– Communications & Multimedia Management

Content services
– Content Design
– Content Management

Office services
– Design @ Office

Vital @ Office concept
The function of the office changes from processing to meeting place. Accept the challenge to join with Collaris Consultancy beyond conventional solutions to watch. Shaping the sustainable way of sharing knowledge for your organization. Tailored to your long term strategy, clients and consistent with major developments in society.

Where the branch talks about working concepts, we speak in jargon about Vital @ Office. A well-defined and implemented Vital @ Office gives identity to an organization. A clearly defined Vital @ Office ensures natural ‘flows’ in organizations which decreases the need for rules. This sustainable way of sharing knowledge ensures that reducing complexity to simplicity. The service of Collaris Consultancy focuses on helping organizations to get this done. This provides Collaris Consultancy from different roles.

Vital @ Office provides insight
Develop and implement a sustainable sharing knowledge style is a complex matter. Collaris Consultancy has developed a method that the whole process is transparent and manageable. Moreover, the method ensures the quality Collaris Consultancy delivers.

Vital @ Office in brief
Developing a sustainable sharing knowledge concept is done from a three way perspective: we look at the consistency of the people & organization, office & environment and information, communication & technological perspective. Each organization has a solution that fits her identity. With intense interaction we take the organization “journey” to identify you, to come to the core. Together we will analyze what the ambitions and goals are, who the organization is, what she wants. We unravel the specific activities that people perform in the organization by asking questions like: what do the employees exactly, how much time is involved is, and what contacts they have with customers and other stakeholders?

Next we study room in which the daily work their best advantage. It followed back design of the environmental layout of the office and the technological structure. Think of how architecture should be the peoples, environmental and technological perspective is the conception of the process. In this creative process we come to a customer-oriented, private solution. If that solution once we – or others – to build the three streams. Our contribution thus does not stop. We can, as our client wants, involved in the project continue to use the new environments to monitor and evaluate. We show people how they can function in the new office & environment. We train, supervise and evaluate.

Grip makes creativity possible
Vital @ Office provides a solid base for each concept. This makes the process not only substantially transparent and manageable but also ensures that there is room for innovation and creativity. In that order. For although the solutions we develop for our clients are sustainable.

Different roles
Collaris Consultancy operates from different roles, the client to decide what role. Roughly, we distinguish three roles, all of which are called Vital @ Office: they represent the development and implementation of the sustainable way of sharing knowledge.

Vital @ Office Consulting
Collaris Consultancy as a consultant.
Collaris Consultancy analyzes the concept of sharing knowledge in the organization and develops a concept design for the three areas. Then we remain as an advisor for the project.

Vital @ Office Design
Collaris Consultancy as a consultant and architect.
We work our proposal for the three spaces in a design specification and a schedule of requirements. Implementation let to other parties.
Collaboration with architect Chris Collaris and/or the interior architects of I29 is possible.

Vital @ Office
Collaris Consultancy as a consultant, architect and implementer of change.
In this role, we implement the sustainable way of sharing knowledge in your organization, obviously in close collaboration with our client.